Motra 7 items
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Honda Motra Yellow – 12925 km.
€5.450,00Honda motor yellow – 16013 km
€4.450,00Honda Motra green – 23931 km
€4.250,00Honda Motra green – 16317 km
€3.950,00Honda Motra yellow – 58417 km
€3.950,00Honda Motra green – 26579 km
The Honda CT50J Motra (model code AD05) is a sturdy military/utility bike with a variety of useful gadgets. Sturdy racks front and rear, adjustable shock absorbers for heavy loads, a lockable centerstand for parking on inclines and 5.4 inch wide Bridgestone tires that don’t sink into loose sand. The highlight of the Motora (モトラ), as the Japanese pronounce it, is the high/low transfercase. On the left-hand side of the well known semi automatic engine, you can shift to low gearing with a lever to climb the steepest inclines. The Motra was only produced in 1982 and 1983 and is very rare, even in Japan.